

Dudu Du Laboratory 2023-05-03




​     2011年《有意无意》廖建华个展现场    龙德轩当代艺术中心

       《无意图》系列1203 布面丙烯铅笔  2012年100X100CM








       《无意图》系列1202 布面丙烯水墨  2012年100X100CM

Artist, Liao Jianhua, from his early stage of using different shades of tadpoles composition to misty flow marks created by Chinese brushstroke; in between, you can see overlapping Chinese characters surfaced and in recent creation, the use of dense array lines arrangement shows his love towards exploration of the beauty and tranquility of traces and marks. This passion shown in his works we identified it as the “Zen of Induction Abstraction”. In his works, you can see the use of simple marks and traces to create the dense and complicated appearance, whereby the implication are more abstract and difficult to define. The interesting usage of simple and plain language to highlight the absent of evolving characteristics of plain and simplicity, to show and express things which people have difficulty expressing.  The series of “INDICATION” seems very abstract, yet fill with unlimited meaning and creativity. During the period of his creation of a new series, he always experiences what he called the "quite turbulence”. This “quite turbulence” feeling came basically from his life experience which forms his characteristic and style of creation. Like what he mention himself, “The type of creation came from an artist brush is link to the heart and soul of the artist, in a certain aspect revealing the life of artist and also the timeline and information of the era.” This basis is due to the guide and direction creates by the impulse of life. As so, using complex but simple way as the basic structure, he produce in his creation plain and  nothingness which structure his own “Indication World”.                                                   

                                               By Bao Zhiming

           《无意图》系列1208 布面丙烯  2012年 120X150CM

 《无意图》系列1210 布面丙烯  2012年 250X150CM


          ​《无意图》系列1212 布面丙烯  2012年 250X150CM

          ​《无意图》系列1300 布面丙烯  2013年 250X150CM









无意图20181108   纸本水墨  2018年 45x200cmX4




  梦精记系列0508 纸本水墨  2005年 69x248cm


 梦精记系列0508(局部)纸本水墨  2005年




   梦精记系列  0606 纸本水墨 2006年 69x248cm



Liao Jian Hua is a young Beijing painter who already makes compelling compositions that resonate for anyone interested in experiencing abstract contemporary art. Of course, on seeing his work, there is the inevitable comparison of his art with the Western abstract inheritance, but at this point in time, it seems wiser to appreciate the art for what it is, rather than arbitrarily assign a legacy that may—or may not—have influenced the artist. Liao works with nearly endless repetition, reiterating the stroke in acrylic or colored pencil, to the point where the paintings possess a stunningly dense composition. At a distance his small marks merge into vaporous color, but then, when the viewer has advanced to a closer point of view, the individual strokes come into recognition. They reveal an unusual discipline of style in so young an artist. A misty atmosphere is generated; one has to look closely not to feel a bit light-headed. Together, placed in a good installation in the gallery, Liao’s efforts work as a seamless expression, with each composition both connected to and separate from one another. Sometimes the overall pattern is recognizable, as occurs in Empty Your Mind (2009), in which blue repetitive circles make their presence noticed as a major aspect of the painting.

Of course, the title Empty Your Mind has Buddhist contemplative connotations, and as a group, the works can be seen as an extended meditation on color. Liao’s style is both independent and reminiscent of the color field painters of the New York School—but they are artists he likely has not seen in real life. Consistently, he has moved according to his own fashion, creating paintings whose subtle hues become the focus of their own investigation; the paint or the pencil marks center upon themselves in a style that appears to be selfless, devoid of personality. Infinite Lines(2008) shows us how the simple continuation of individual rows of strokes, 

accepted in their entirety, have the marvelous effect of a brave new world. Atmosphere is central to all his compositions, and it seems as if the pencil marks are constructing a new kind of infinity, into which one must plunge entirely to experience its endlessness. In China today, abstraction still takes a back seat to figurative, socially oriented art, but a painter such as Liao is proving that there is room for an abstractly oriented art whose orientation is contemplative in the extreme. Indeed, the consequences of colored lines in Infinite Lines are, surprisingly enough, oriented toward spatial themes.

In fact, seeing a painting by Liao makes it clear that the experience is not only formal and repetitive, it is also a matter of meditative space. The paintings reverberate in mind, creating a place of endless amplitude, conducive to thought. This is a kind of art in which much of its effect has to do with what happens in the minds of Liao’s audience—the paintings are useful aids to a concentrated focus, one dedicated to the loss of individual self. In another painting, entitled Infinite Lines (2009), horizontal rows of bright red strokes create an eye-catching pattern that intimates limitlessness in a notably beautiful composition—actually, it is so beautiful, its description in words seems to lessen our understanding of it. Of course, one’s experience of an infinite world should be seamless; in this painting, we feel as though the lines continue forever, only superficially ended by the painting’s frame. Liao’s work shows us how to concentrate in a world of myriad variety—by repeating the stroke, he completes his perception of a unified environment of immense implications. He builds the image slowly, moving from row to row of strokes in a discipline of constant effort. The enormous perceptions he suggests in his choice of titles make it clear that his art is a process more than a product. We should pay attention to the insight.


Jonathan Goodman




  无意图20211106   纸本双面水墨  2021年 69x138cm


  无意图20210616 纸本双面水墨   2021年 69x138cm



   无意图九联画     纸本水墨  2007年 45x600cmX9


无意图九联画 (局部)   纸本水墨  2007年



《无意图》 纸本水墨 97X1000CM   2020年

《无意图》局部 纸本水墨

《无意图》2021年展览现场《存在》 山中天艺术中心




在我的作品里面时间性与个人意志力显得极为的重要。我的艺术注重的并非结果,而是过程。 作品通过自身长时间的繁复劳作行为来进行创作。密集时间的累积,顽强而持续的意志力以及平和的心态贯穿着我所有创作的始终。这种个人苦修般的创作体验呈现了如何在这样庞杂多变的世界中集中心力。完成了对时间与生命对话。也透露出个体存在的消息与可能性。作品试图表达有序与无序,无限与有限,限制与自由,过程与结果,平静与不安之间的共存关系。  







廖建华 1981   出生于湖南,现工作生活于北京。


2017   “ 有始有终”廖建华个展   重庆长江当代美术馆   重庆,中国

2016    “一分钱交换计划”廖建华个展  东篱艺术中心      北京,中国

2015   “无限有限”廖建华个展       艺琅国际           北京,中国

2013   “心相”廖建华个展          egg画廊            北京,中国

2011   “有意无意”廖建华作品展    龙德轩当代艺术中心     北京,中国

2009廖建华首次个展 “思空图”   Y2ARTS Showroom     新加坡


2021    存在   山中天艺术中心   北京,中国

2021    没有人比我更懂     至美术馆     深圳,中国

2020    聚元气     十竹斋艺术中心    北京,中国

2019    微妙关系  山海美术馆  北京,中国

2018    中国当代艺术年鉴展2017  北京民生现代美术馆    北京,中国

2017    悬而未决扫一扫当代艺术展    四川大学美术馆  成都,中国

2017    中国特“色”    天铂当代艺术基金会     新西兰

2017    视界 抽象艺术的语汇      四川省美术馆    成都 中国

2017   “极”来自中国的新艺术     The Page Gallery    首尔 韩国

2016   “另一种选择 ”第三届今日文献展   今日美术馆   北京,中国

2016    我的艺术私藏         比尔美术馆    瑞士

2016    运行中的“非形象”   正观美术馆    北京,中国

2016    假园                今日美术馆       北京,中国

2015    中国当代墨线艺术        南京国际展览中心    南京,中国

2015    中国式书写的维度        波恩当代艺术馆      波恩,德国

2014    抽象新一代              寺上美术馆         北京,中国

2014    香港巴塞尔艺术展        尤伦斯当代艺术中心    香港,中国

2013    反转基音                唐人当代艺术中心      北京,中国

2013    空相——当代艺术展      民生艺术中心      北京,中国

2013   “2013多样性”ARTrium@MCI       Y2ARTS    新加坡

2013    拓•象         北京空间画廊      北京,中国

2012   “失忆招领处”年轻艺术家群展     北京空间画廊     北京,中国

2012   “中国制造”中国当代艺术家路家诺-贝纳通展    米兰,意大利

2011    执着      ION Art Gallery             新加坡



Liao jianhua 1981    Born  Hunan,Living and working in Beijing at present.



2017 “There Art Beginning And End” Liao Jianhua Solo Exhibition  Changjiang Museum Of Conternporary Art Chongqing

2016  “One Cent Exchange Project” Liao Jianhua Solo Exhibition  DongLi Art Space  Beijing

2015 “ The limited-The limitless”  Liao Jianhua Solo Exhibition  ARTASTE   Beijing

2013   Cardiogram-- Liao Jianhua Solo Exhibition      Egg Gallery        Beijing

2011 “Consciously Or Unconsciously” Liaojianhua Solo Exhibition  LDX Conternporary Art Center   Beijing

2009   LiaoJianhua First SoloExhibition09 “Contemplation Maps”     Y2ARTSShowroom     Singapore


Group Exhibitions:

2021  Existence    Wind H Art Center   Beijing 

2021  Nobody Knows Better Than Me   Zhi Art Museum    Shenzhen

2020  “Vitality is Garthering”  Shizhuzhai Art Center   Beijing

2019  The Subtle Relationships   Mountain & Sea Art Museum   Beijing 

2018  The Exhibition Of Annual Of Contemporary Art Of China     Beijing Minsheng Art Museum      Beijing

2017  Hang In Doubt  Sao Yi Sao Contemporary Art Exhibition  Art Museum of Sichuan University  Cheng du

2017  Colours From China    Templar Contemporary Art Foundation     New Zealand

2017  Abstract  Contemporary Art Exhibition  Sichuan art museum   Chendu

2017  Absoluteness  New Art from China        The Page Gallery    Korea

2016  The Jumble Of Growth  The Third Today’s Documents  Today Art Museum   Beijing

2016   My art possession        CentrePasquArt    Switzerland

2016   The Working of Non-Figurative System    Right View Art Museum    Beijing

2016   Artificial Garden         Today Art Museum       Beijing

2015   Contemporary China Ink Line Art   Nanjing International Exhibition Center   Nanjing

2015   Post-Calligraphy In Chinese Contemporary Art      Kunstrum Villa Friede     Germany

2014   New Generation Of Abstract Art   Si Shang ArtMuseum   Beijing

2014   Art Basel Hong Kong       UCCA         Hong Kong      

2013    Anti-GMO      Tang Conternporary Art Center       Beijing 

2013    A Surname——contemporary Exhibition     Min ShengArt Club      Beijing

2013    "DIVERSITY 2013", ARTrium@MCI     Y2ARTS        Singapore

2013    Impression•Image     Gallery beijing Space      Beijing

2012  “MemoryLost-andFound”young artists exhibition  Gallery beijing Space    Beijing

2012   Made in China Contemporary Chinese artists LucianoBenetton Collection     Milano      

2011   ″Presistent″  ION Art Gallery   Singapore



▲ 点击关注 Du Laboratory 更多国内外艺术资讯

Du/Laboratory is a comprehensive experimental platform, involving creative media spanning all levels of contemporary art, maintaining a vigilance against the international contemporary art trend that airs everywhere, and at the same time committing to the full and in-depth excavation of the artist's own system, continuously  Focus on practices that hover in the "middle state" on the fringes of art and non-art.


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[策展 · 中少年] 宋振熙 - 行者自明

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「新艺术生产者」顾博:20年起了近万个标题后,不想再    琢磨了,直接唠嗑吧



「新·艺术生产者」徐伟 - 好好做画材,为画家好好服务!

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毕业十年-李佳美 Li Jiamei

▲ 延伸关注<有艺思>了解更多艺术发声


